Located on the small island of South Bimini, The Bahamas is the famous Bimini Biological Field Station Foundation (AKA The Shark Lab). Naturally, one might conjure up images of a laboratory setting with white lab coats and lots of high tech equipment, however the Shark Lab is simply a 5 bedroom house with a classroom area for all things education. We don't have an aquarium or sharks in tanks - the Shark Lab's work takes place in the field!
Tours are approximately one hour in duration, and include a classroom presentation about the Lab's history and decades of research, a short shark workup demonstration, and when possible, the chance to see some wild juvenile lemon sharks in their natural environment.
Tours of the Shark Lab must be booked in advance and are by appointment only. Availability for tours is not always guaranteed, as we have a small crew and a very busy schedule with many visiting Courses that prioritize our time. To request a tour, please email outreach@biminisharklab.com with your preferred date/time and group size. The Shark Lab team will try our best to accommodate tour requests, however this is not always possible and we appreciate your understanding.​
Be prepared for your tour with the following:
Bring a full water bottle
Wear sunscreen, a hat, and/or sun protective clothing & clothing that can get wet!
Sandals or beach footwear
If you bring a GoPro, please make sure it has a handle or stick to hold so your hands are not in the water with baby lemon sharks.
Cash Donation - Suggested $10/per person - As a nonprofit organization the BBFSF is able to continue to operate thanks to your support. Donations are welcomed and encouraged if you enjoyed your tour and can be given in cash to any of our station crew or online via the ‘Support Us’ tab. Thank you!
If you are staying in North Bimini, you'll first need to get to the Ferry Dock on the south end of the island. From there you'll take the water taxi ($3 per person each way) to the South Bimini ferry dock. You can ask the ferry driver to call a taxi for you ($5 per person each way), or start walking straight south - the walk is approx. 15-20 minutes to the Shark Lab. If you do take a taxi, request that they pick you up from the Shark Lab an hour after drop-off, or get their name/phone number so that you can contact them when the tour is completed.
If you're staying on South Bimini, head towards Port Royale and continue south until you reach the Shark Lab. ​
Please plan accordingly before your scheduled tour time