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Dr. Félicie Dhellemmes is a behavioural ecologist who specializes in the behaviour of aquatic predators. She completed her M.Sc. and Ph.D. at the BBFS working on the personality of juvenile lemon sharks in Bimini. 


Félicie is a firm believer of research approaches that combine wild observations with controlled laboratory experiments. As such, she is well versed in the design of captive experiments tailored to many species but also in the use of technologies like acoustic telemetry, in the wild.


Today, she is affiliated with the cluster of excellence “Science of Intelligence”, which brings together scientists from around the world, to further our understanding of intelligent behaviour.



Dr. Jill Brooks is a fisheries scientist who specializes in movement ecology and conducts research that supports evidence based decisions involving fisheries and fish habitat management. She works in ecosystems spanning salinities, from headwater creeks in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, the Laurentian Great Lakes in Ontario, and coastal areas of Bahamas and Florida.


Jill is passionate about the collaborative and respectful production of fish research, be it with industry members, rights holders, resource users, and resource managers. She believes that when multiple user groups are involved in the study design and data collection phases of a project, this can lead to more 'buy in' and better decisions when our environmental resources need to be managed, and let's face it, more fun! 

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